Hua Parakore Māori Organics at Mangaroa Farms

Hua Parakore Māori Organics at Mangaroa Farms

Late last year, our team had the privilege of joining Dr Jessica Hutchings and her wife Jo for a kai at her place over the hill near Kaitoke, and receive an introduction to the Hua Parakore Māori Organics framework.

In the words of Jessica and Papawhakaritorito Charitable Trust Hua parakore is a kaupapa Māori (Indigenous) system and framework for growing kai (product and food) developed by Te Waka Kai Ora (National Maori Organics Authority). It is based on the infinite richness and wisdom of whānau and hapū.

There are six key hua parakore kaupapa that we can work with in the māra; whakapapa, wairua, mana, māramatanga, mauri and Te Ao Tūroa. All of these kaupapa (principles) are interconnected and are drawn from the mātauranga (Māori knowledge) continuum. These kaupapa are a starting point to guiding us in planning our work in the māra (garden).

We are stoked to be beginning this 3 year journey with Mangaroa Farms, alongside many other food producers becoming verified as part of the growing community that is guided by the 6 interwoven principles of Hua Parakore.

We’ve got Jessica’s pukapuka (books) available at the Farm Shop / Kete Kai for anyone interested in learning more here.

Ngā mihi nui e te whānau o Hua Parakore 💚

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